Study Methods#
- Learn from the masters and seek classic teachings.
- Focus on the big picture and explore the origins.
- Approach with sincerity and prove your conscience.
Criteria for Judging a Good Artwork#
Discover, connect, and reorganize - simple post-processing.
Two aspects of intention:
Visually appealing
Three features of creating a good artwork
Discover, connect, and reorganize - observation, imagination, and creativity.
- Details - All great things must be done with attention to detail.
- Connections - All living beings are equal and have connections.
- Points of resonance
- Reorganization - Within reason, beyond expectations.
- Points of interest, points of amusement
Image Management Bridge#
- Folder naming convention - 20220710_project name
Image Selection#
- Preview - Spacebar
- Select - Choose multiple images -> Ctrl+B to enter selection mode -> Use up and down keys to filter images
- Rating - Ctrl+1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
- Star rating
- Start with three stars and move up to four stars
- Not bad - three stars
- Excellent
- Tags
- Approved
- Reviewed
- Star rating
- Grouping - Ctrl+G
Image Adjustment#
Lens calibration
Configuration file
Color -> Remove chromatic aberration
Horizontal and vertical correction
Camera calibration (usually using camera configuration file)
- Camera configuration file
- Adobe configuration file
Secondary Composition#
- Horizontal correction
- Vertical correction
- Vertical line technique
The artistic effect depends entirely on whether the artist has discovered and felt the abstract visual beauty in this subject matter, as well as their ability to handle it.
Through this process, the audience can see what the artist has seen before, and be inspired with the same passion as the artist.
If any art consciously or unconsciously imitates other art, it negates its own value as an art form.
Sticking to conventions in art is an obstacle to creativity. Being confined to simple reactions and succumbing to the low-level tastes of the public can only produce dull and unremarkable works.
In order to innovate, one must learn to observe. Observation is not about affirming known facts or applying traditional theories; it is important to make one's own judgments. Creative activities should not be bound by the past; they must be liberated from it. Sometimes it is even wise to challenge traditional ideas in order to be more innovative.
Global Adjustments#
- Open Camera Raw - Ctrl+R
Accurate color reproduction#
- White balance - find a neutral gray at 18%
Correct black and white levels#
- Alt key
- Black areas should be pure black without details, usually avoided
- White areas should be bright without being overexposed, should be avoided
Sufficient sharpness#
Camera sharpness settings
- No adjustment or decrease by one level
Camera Raw sharpness
- Adjust sharpness appropriately
- Exposure will be corrected, so adjust exposure value accordingly
- The final step before output
- Use a mask - Alt key
- White areas are the areas being processed
Appropriate saturation#
- Increase saturation for all colors
- Increase saturation for colors that are not yet apparent
- Natural saturation is recommended
- Avoid excessive saturation, undersaturation can be a tone
Rich and reasonable tonal range#
- Look at the histogram
- Adjust exposure for underexposed areas
Local Adjustments#
- Gradient
- Adjust parameters first
- Slightly reduce the size of the image
- Start from the outside
- Adjust parameters again
- Create a new selection
- Brush
- Adjust parameters first
- Slightly reduce the flow
- Adjust parameters again
- Radial
- Steps are similar to the above
HSL Color Adjustment#
Hue, Saturation, Lightness
- Hue: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple
- Saturation: Controls the intensity of colors
- Lightness: Controls the brightness of colors
- Intuitive operation: Select items and colors for adjustment
- Use the target selection tool to select colors
Grayscale Adjustment#
Converting to grayscale discards the changes in hue and saturation, leaving only changes in lightness. It is generally not recommended to convert to grayscale directly, but to adjust the saturation to achieve a black and white effect, thus retaining the ability to adjust hue and saturation in the basic properties.
- Adjust saturation to achieve a black and white effect
- Try to create more levels in the black and white image
Black and White Tone Post-processing and Control#
In photography, tone refers to the overall color and tone of a photo. Tone deals with the relationship between black and white, contrast, and the purity of colors. Through these relationships, viewers can perceive the changes and flow of light, and experience the visual beauty created by rhythm and harmony.
The role of tone in photography
Basic function: Create color, light and shadow effects, and establish the overall tone (tone) of the image.
Accurate representation of the subject. Accurate tone representation enhances the expressive power of the image.
Rendering the atmosphere of the image
Reflecting the personality and style of the image
Shaping the character of the subject
Good artists copy, great artists steal. - Pablo Picasso
Those who imitate me will live, those who resemble me will die. - Qi Baishi
Set camera color space to: Adobe RGB
- Printing
- TIFF format
- ZIP or LZW lossless compression
- Color space: Adobe RGB
- Bit depth: 16 bits/channel
- Default size, 300PPI
- Create a "Finished" folder within the project folder
- Online
- JPEG format
- Quality selection: even numbers 6, 8, 10
- Color space: sRGB
- Bit depth: 8 bits/channel
- You can use PS -> File -> Scripts -> Image Processor
- Resize to around 2000
- Convert profile to sRGB
- Portfolio
- Create a "Portfolio" folder
- Select one photo per month for showcasing